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Community Room Makeover Reveal!


We are excited to finally share today's room reveal with you guys! After being asked to join forces with the Wednesday Journal staff in revamping one of their rooms we decided to turn the space into a really beautiful, comfortable and inspiring space for everyone to enjoy.


Here is a quick snapshot of the room before.  Hmm, not very pretty or colorful, but a perfect canvas filled with massive potential.

















In order to set the tone for all things “community” and keep cost down, the team at the Wednesday Journal did all the painting themselves.  Not an easy task, but this talented team of reporters, photographers and editors did a nice job tackling the huge space. 


…and now for the REVEAL ….


Can you believe this is the same room?






















Our wall unit really takes ownership of the room and demands attention.  The dark, cherry wood is the perfect shade and highlights the many trophies and awards earned by this talented group of journalists.  There is nothing wrong with bragging a little and showing off your awards as long as the display is tasteful and elegant. Look how amazing everything is and how every item shines!























Don’t be afraid to mix antique with modern. It is okay to mix different age and furniture styles? Absolutely! As long as you keep the design simple your pieces will blend and complement each other in one solid look. This old typewriter, used by past reporters no doubt is a tribute to the past, while modern laptops in the research room create something in common between our pieces.




















Using a consistent color theme throughout the room helps the pieces “speak” to one another and achieve a cohesive look. When furniture and style “talk to each other” it creates a welcoming environment.


One of the challenges of this room was having enough seating space for large gatherings.  We looked for chairs and sofas that have similar shapes so that even though they might have different styles, they still “match.”  For example, all of the seating in this room has rounded arms and straight lines.  The chairs around the conference table have low profile backs and those crucial straight lines we need for balance, but the red in the fabric is one key that ties this look together.

























We are grateful to everyone at the Wednesday Journal for trusting and believing in us. We put our heart and soul into this project and hope they will enjoy it for years to come. 


The Big Reveal Celebration is tomorrow afternoon from 4:30pm – 6:30pm.  If you’re in the area please stop by the Community Room and check it out.




Wednesday Journal Office Makeover Part Three

                 November 3, 2014



Stage three of our Wednesday Journal office makeover is off to a great start!  We are doing it all: delivering furniture, selecting accessories, picking out frames, upholstering sofas.


This custom designed and built wall unit comes from the penthouse of a high rise condo overlooking Lake Michigan on Lake Shore Drive.  During the very first walk through at the community room, we immediately envisioned this gorgeous piece of millwork as the main focal point to display the many awards won by the Wednesday Journal for their excellence in Journalism.  However, this piece was giant.  When we removed the unit from the penthouse, it was 9 feet high and 24 ft. (yes, 24 ft.) long!    


As we are sure you can imagine, the original scale had to be modified. Our staff, spearheaded by Danny, took the unit apart and put it back together in a configuration that works for the space.  Since the unit is a built in, we had to work meticulously to make sure the alterations were carefully planned and executed.  Isn’t it beautiful?  Wait until you see the completed unit – we’re just getting started!

Since the community room will host many events, it is essential to have a large seating area to accommodate everyone.  Remember the fabric we fell in love with? The one with the bold red flowers? Look how amazing it makes everything look.  These pieces have never looked better.  The chaise, chairs and love seat have been given new life and feel brand new.

























But we still have even more planned!  To complete the sitting area, we thought we needed more chairs (and at least a sofa or two).


In order to balance the floral fabric already in use we decided to pull hues from the pattern itself and add them as solids. We took the high energy red for the sofa and the black for the chairs.  This look is now seamless, cohesive and most importantly – done!



























What do you think of our selections?  Just wait until you see everything put together.  We can’t give away all of our secrets!


As always, none of this would be possible without the wonderful staff at the Wednesday Journal. They are our friends and the true inspiration behind this project.  We hope to give this talented group of hardworking individuals a place they will enjoy for years to come. Cheers!



We’re planning on a “BIG REVEAL PARTY” on November 19.  Mark your calendars, you will be sorry if you miss this!



















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Wednesday Journal Office Makeover Part two


Here we go!  Stage two of our Wednesday Journal office makeover is taking shape.  Our team has started working on the seating area. We unanimously decided on these two beauties; a love seat …



















and this exquisitely tufted chaise (to add a comfortable but classy feel to the room).





















Even though the chairs were in goof coondition, we have to make this room cohesive and fabulous so we decided to reupholster them.  After all, we offer upholstery services and have best upholsterer (Fernando - check out the Staff Page).



















After much contemplation, we decided on this black, beige and red color pallet.  The red in this fabric offers a splash of color that ties the neutrals together.   
























Look how great the loveseat looks now!
























We're grateful the Journal staff isn't afraid of color, their bold decision to paint the walls yellow with the blue trim will no doubt add a that comfortable, personal touch they find comforting and will serve as the perfect background to our awesome furniture. 


Transforming this room into a multi-functional space is the perfect challenge for us.  We have to figure out how to make this space function as a meeting area, lounge space, and a photography studio. HOW FUN!


Well, it’s back to work for us.  We're looking forward to meeting with the staff of the Wednesday Journal this week to go over our design.  I hope they like everything as much as we do. 


What do you think of our choices so far?  Do you love them?




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Breaking News: Divine Consign agrees to decorate the Community Room at the Wednesday Journal offices.Title. Double click me.

Hello friends! We are super excited to finally share the good news. Divine Consign was asked to join forces with the Wednesday Journal to decorate its Community Room. Divine Consign will design and decorate the Community Room using only furniture and décor from the showroom.  We’re excited to turn this empty unused space into a modern, functional space everyone will love. Follow us as the project proceeds.  Check out the first stage…


The design - we are converting this large cold empty room into a comfortable creative space for everything from community meetings to small “brainstorming” sessions.  Watch as we create functional zones to satisfy all of their functional “wants” with the design sensibility they “desire”.

The design plan is simple and elegant.

One of the major focal points is this beautiful wall unit (can you see the design coming together?)

wall unit 1.jpg

My team at Divine Consign and I thrilled to be working with the talented and friendly staff at the Journal. I think they can visualize the room already don’t you?


journal editor.jpg

Join us next time as we take on fabric selection and upholstery.  Wish us luck!


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